libraries kemba NPM debug style logging in Go. cdocs urfave/cli/v2 docs extension halli Color gradient generator and picker cli tools git-chglog CHANGELOG generator implemented in Go (Golang). sm AWS Secrets Manager CLI Tool gwvault ansible-vault CLI reimplemented in go ghlabels Simple CLI tool to help manage labels across repos cidr A CLI tool that is useful for quickly checking and filtering data by IP vs. CIDR blocks. sig Statistics in Go - CLI tool for quick statistical analysis of data streams hapi plugins @goodwaygroup/lib-hapi-good-tracer This plugin will read, generate and track a tracer header on `request`s that is then injected into the `Good` log stream via an injected `tracer` object. @goodwaygroup/lib-hapi-rollbar This plugin will push exceptions to Rollbar. @goodwaygroup/lib-hapi-dogstatsd This plugin will send metrics regarding route performance on every request to the Hapi server.